
portrait of vera

Her mom says:

“Vera began physical and occupational therapies at three months of age after not meeting her milestones. A few months later we added speech with feeding and eventually developmental therapy as well. At 18 months of age, we learned of her rare genetic condition caused by an autosomal recessive inheritance which affects, in part, her muscle coordination and strength, vision, sensory processing, speech and language, and GI system.

And yet, despite all the day to day challenges of her condition Vera has remained joyful, resilient, and brave. She works extremely hard to do the things that most other kids can do naturally. She is spunky and sweet, and we see her confidence growing. We are so proud of her. Our family is forever changed by Vera. She has given us a new appreciation for what we previously took for granted. We love her just the way God created her, and we wait with expectation for His faithfulness to carry on throughout her life.”