E-Learning Portal

Informative on-demand webinars and engaging at-home family fun classes—FREE for all families! For professionals, we have a library of self-paced, remote learning opportunities unique to C.I.T.Y. of Support and aligned with our mission.

For Parents

Fun Family Classes—FREE and On-Demand

Informative on-demand webinars and engaging at-home family fun classes are accessible to all families at no cost.

For Professionals

Professional Development Courses for EI Credit

Professionals will find a library with self-paced, remote learning opportunities unique to C.I.T.Y. of Support and aligned with our mission.

The V.I.P. Program stands for “Valuing the Insight of Parents.” Unlike other continuing education courses, it was designed as a way for “parents to teach professionals” by sharing intimate perspectives that will transform the way providers treat the children and families on their caseloads.

Make a Difference

Help Support Our Programs

Every single C.I.T.Y. program or event that you have participated in was made possible by community members like you!

As a 100% volunteer run nonprofit, we rely on both financial support and volunteer time from our members and community sponsors in order to keep growing!


C.I.T.Y. member donations accounted for about 56% of all funding for 2023! Every little bit helps us grow.


Learn about the opportunities and impact of becoming a community sponsor.