Graduation Celebrations
Let’s celebrate our children’s successes over the past year while meeting other families, connecting with community resources, and having fun.
Because every child is graduating from something!
For some families, exciting milestones for their children may look very different from other children. Our annual Graduation Celebration is all about celebrating these major successes.
Our community of parents, caregivers, and therapists appreciate the effort it takes to make progress and are excited to give them the recognition that they deserve!
- Weaning off of a feeding tube
- Meeting a therapy goal
- Becoming potty trained
- Trying a new food
- Moving to a new grade
- Communicating needs
- Riding a bike
“The network of families and therapists that CITY brings together is priceless…
Being a parent to a special needs kiddo can be scary, and joyful, and overwhelming. For any of these moments, thanks to CITY, I know right where to go for advice, for expertise, for friendship, and for celebration.”
Each celebration includes
- Personalized medal
- Public acknowledgement
- Accommodating cheering squad
- Professional graduation photo
- Celebratory treats
- An interactive, low-structured family festival with resources for adults and games/prizes for kids
- Accommodations for each child’s sensory preferences, including high energy, sensory-friendly, and even a drive-through option
programs for the community
social media followers
guests at our Graduation this year
Help Support Our Programs
Every single C.I.T.Y. program or event that you have participated in was made possible by community members like you!
As a 100% volunteer run nonprofit, we rely on both financial support and volunteer time from our members and community sponsors in order to keep growing!
C.I.T.Y. member donations accounted for about 56% of all funding for 2023! Every little bit helps us grow.
Learn about the opportunities and impact of becoming a community sponsor.