V.I.P. Program
“Valuing the Insight of Parents”
A Self-Study Program for Professionals
76 short and interactive lessons and over 6.5 hours of video content, completed on your own schedule when it is convenient for you
Earn C.E. Hours
Approved for 10 hours of Continuing Education with IL’s Early Intervention program, and eligible for 10 PDH (Professional Development Hours) through ASHA.
Join a growing network of like-minded professionals and add your name to our list of V.I.P Graduates
There are roughly
250 V.I.P. graduates
including Social Workers, Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Developmental Therapists, and more!
Help Support Our Programs
Every single C.I.T.Y. program or event that you have participated in was made possible by community members like you!
As a 100% volunteer run nonprofit, we rely on both financial support and volunteer time from our members and community sponsors in order to keep growing!
C.I.T.Y. member donations accounted for about 56% of all funding for 2023! Every little bit helps us grow.
Learn about the opportunities and impact of becoming a community sponsor.