C.I.T.Y. Close-Ups

A mother staring at her little child

Sensory-Friendly Photo Shoots

We are delighted to collaborate with the talented photographers at Something Blue Photography for our C.I.T.Y. Close-Up program. Their patience and flexibility have allowed us to provide monthly sensory-friendly photo sessions that truly capture each family’s joy.

Each quarter, families are chosen at random from those who have commented on our “CITY Close-Up” posts in our Facebook group (the last Friday of every month).

Make a Difference

Help Support Our Programs

Every single C.I.T.Y. program or event that you have participated in was made possible by community members like you!

As a 100% volunteer run nonprofit, we rely on both financial support and volunteer time from our members and community sponsors in order to keep growing!


C.I.T.Y. member donations accounted for about 56% of all funding for 2023! Every little bit helps us grow.


Learn about the opportunities and impact of becoming a community sponsor.